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Whoah, A GATOR Was Found In Lake Wylie!

Fatal Alligator Attacks Set New Record In Florida

I'm fairly new to the Charlotte area, but I'm definitely used to hearing about Gators. Pretty much anywhere I've been. We even had them in Syracuse, NY if you can believe it or not!

I've really enjoyed visiting Lake Wylie in Belmont recently. So when I saw this, I was even more tempted to run over there and see it for myself.

Turns out, it took a couple of days and a few different people to finally track him down. The authorities believe that the Gator may have been a pet of someone's, and released at some point. As its weight suggests it was being fed.

Wow. Talk about an insane thing to discover on a fishing trip. But, I'll still love my Saturday morning walks along Lake Wylie regardless.

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