A Full Cold Moon Will Shine In The Central New York Sky On Thursday Night!

This Thursday will see a natural occurrence that doesn't always happen very much! The last full moon of the year will happen that night. However, that's not the special thing about this full moon! It is called the "Full Cold Moon" because the moon will rise at sunset, shine brightly all night, and set at sunrise!

The Full Cold Moon will be completely full and 100% illuminated at 12:12 a.m. E.S.T. The best time to see the Full Cold Moon will be just before sunset or just before sunrise when the moon is closest to the horizon!

The Full Cold Moon is also called the Moon Before Yule. This is in honor of the ancient European festival which celebrated the return of the sun which was marked by the year's longest night, which happens to be the beginning of winter on December 21st. Check it out if you are able!

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