Can Deleting Facebook Make You Happier? One Study Says "Yes!"

Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends. We all can agree on that. But Facebook can also become addicting to the point where users become obsessed with the social media platform. So can deleting Facebook actually make people happier? Well according to a new study, apparently so!

In a study conducted by Stanford and New York University, 2,844 Facebook users were asked to delete their accounts for one month. Financial incentives and monitoring were used to insure the people actually stayed off the platform. Researchers check in on them regularly to see how they were progressing. So how did these subjects do?

According to researchers, deactivation caused a small but significant improvement in happiness, life satisfaction, depression, anxiety, and general well-being. Interesting enough, some respondents did not reactivate their accounts after the study finished! In conclusion, researchers stated that forces such as addiction cause Facebook users to be on the social media platform more than they would otherwise be! Interesting stuff!

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