Poison Ivy? Here's What To Do If You Develop The Itchy Rash

So you are outdoors enjoying nature with a nice walk through a trail or a path when, without noticing, you brush up against a three-leaf plant with an arm or a leg. Next thing you know, you are developing an intense itchy rash on your skin! You got hit by a poison ivy plant!

A poison ivy rash can develop immediately after contact or it can take up to four days to see the effects. The culprit in the plant is urushiol, an oily coating that most people are allergic to. The plant can grow almost anywhere including your backyard!

So what do you do now? If you think you have come in contact with poison ivy (or poison oak or poison sumac for that matter) get out the soap and water as quickly as possible! Scrub your skin and under your nails. Wash all clothing and clean any gardening tools too! You can try topical creams and oatmeal baths, but only time will ease the itch. Better yet, contact a dermatologist for some steroidal cream. Good luck!

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