Here Are The Top 10 Bizarre U.S. Town Names

I was scrolling through the other day when I came across an article that listed the Top Ten Bizarre US Town Names. I found it quite interesting, so I thought I would share the names with you! Here there are:

10. Swastika, New York. Yikes! What a way to start off!

9. Accident, Maryland. Stay away if you happen to be a clumsy person!

8. Knockemstiff, Ohio. Seems moonshine was involved years ago.

7. Buttzville, New Jersey. Named for Civil War second lieutenant, Charles Wilson Buttz.

6. Humptulips, Washington. I leave this one alone I think.

5. Boogertown, North Carolina. Just gross!

4. Blue Ball, Pennsylvania. Not what you are thinking. Named after a late 1700’s inn called The Sign of the Blue Ball with an actual blue ball hanging outside the inn.

3. Nothing, Arizona. That’s it! The town is deserted. The is literally “nothing” there but a sign post!

2. Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Located near Elephant Butte Dam and Reservoir. You can’t make this stuff up!

1. Satan’s Kingdom, Massachusetts. ‘Nuff said!

Heard of any others? Let me know!

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