September 10th Is National TV Dinner Day!

Thursday, September 10th is National TV Dinner Day! A day to celebrate those quick frozen meals that can be quickly warmed up in a microwave when you are too tired or too lazy to make your own dinner!

Today we don’t call the “tv dinners.” Instead they are prepackaged frozen meals. Plus many of these frozen meals are now organic and vegetarian instead of the old Salisbury steak meal that many of us fondly remember.

The original TV dinner came in an aluminum foil dish that had to be cooked in the oven. The idea was developed in 1953 by C.A. Swanson and Sons. It revolutionized the prepackaged meal industry forever. An original Swanson TV dinner tray was inducted into the Smithsonian Institute’s Museum of American History in 1986. So go grab a TV dinner and celebrate the day!

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