Camillus Woman Weighs In With Me On Staying Fit During The Coronavirus

There's so much going on in this world of ours with Coronavirus. It's legit insane. But it's important to keep some sense of normalcy in our lives, no matter how hard it can get.

I came across the Instagram profile of Courtney Pilipovic, who's living a great life of staying fit right here in Camillus. She's been using her Instagram account to motivate others to live a similar lifestyle, even despite all the closures and obstacles - All while having fun.

I asked her some questions on her success, and I hope it will motivate you a little more to practice a healthy lifestyle in these interesting times.

So when did you realize you needed to become more fit?

In 2016, my brother competed in his first body building show. I remember going and seeing all these men and women on stage, so proudly showcasing what they’ve built with all their determination and hard work. It was so encouraging and motivating to see. After leaving there, I realized I just wasn’t happy with myself, not only physically but more important mentally. A few days later I told myself that I didn’t want to feel this way anymore and I wanted change so that’s exactly what I did. I started going to the gym and spent a lot of my free time looking up workout tips, watching workout videos, and learning as much as I possibly could.

How important to you is a diet and exercise routine, especially now?

I’d say at this point, this is my lifestyle so it’s very important. For me, working out is like my therapy, it gives me energy, relives my stress, and most importantly it makes me happy. When I’m working out and eating good is when I feel my best! However, there are days where I don’t workout and I sit on the couch all day and eat pizza and cookies and that’s totally okay too! This lifestyle is all about balance, as long as I’m active and eating healthy more days than not, that’s a win in my books.

Think of your first milestone - How did you feel?

The moment I stopped weighing myself everyday and realized the scale really didn’t matter! This was honestly HUGE for me. To come to the realization that my worth didn’t come from a number on a scale after having so many negative correlations with it in the past, it’s so freeing. A great way to track your progress without stepping on a scale is by taking progress pictures every week or bi-weekly.

How were you able to grow your following on Instagram, and motivate others to be healthy?

When I started this journey and started sharing that with instagram, I remember telling myself that I don’t only want to share the good times and the highs, I wanted to be honest and share the times that aren’t so great and the times that i don’t go to the gym for weeks and that i don’t always eat the healthiest because that’s life and sometimes things come up and that’s okay! I’m just myself on my instagram, I love to joke and be a goof and share my weirdness, and share my love for working out but I also love to be real and share the hard times too!

What advice would you give someone who is looking to improve their lifestyle and begin a fitness regimen?

To not feel hopeless! There are so many ways to learn and so many ways to workout! I feel like right now is the best time to start with most of us having more free time right now than we usually do. My main piece of advice here would really be to not compare yourself to others, you can’t compare your chapter one to someone else’s chapter thirteen.

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