The Phonocut Allows You To Cut Your Own Music On A LP!

So you always wanted to be a musician, but you weren’t quite talented enough, right? Well don’t quit yet because you might just find your song on an LP very soon! How? Get yourself a soon-to-be released Phonocut! For a little over $1,000, you can own a piece of technology that will let you cut your own record within 30 minutes!

The Phonocut, about the size of a regular home turntable, allows you to put a vinyl blank on the platter, connect the music input of your choice, push the start button, and create a custom record! Neat huh? The Phonocut comes complete with a diamond stylus that will etch grooves into the vinyl in real-time as the inputted music plays.

The Phonocut is now available for pre-order on its Kickstarter page. So there you have it all you frustrated musicians! A chance to have your own music on a vinyl LP!

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