School's Are Getting Rid Of Analog Clocks, And It's Frightening

Can you read an analog clock? Most of us would say “yes.”  However, according to “The Daily Telegraph,” a British newspaper, some schools in Britain have begun replacing analog clocks in schools with digital ones. You may wonder why. Well, the answer is because students can’t read analog clocks and it is stressing them out!

According to Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary at the Association of School and College Leaders, it appears that the current generation of young people have grown up with digital clocks on their phones, computers, and electronic equipment. As a result, they are not as good as older generations are at reading a traditional analog clock. 

British students aren’t the only ones struggling with this problem. Recent studies have supported the idea that younger generations struggle telling the time using an analog, or traditional, clock. So, is it possible that we are coming to the end of an era? Are analog clocks on borrowed time? The answer might possibly be “yes.”

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