This Is Neat Info On A Meteor Shower This Weekend!

Earth Day is this Sunday, April 22nd. Earth Day celebrates the natural beauty of our planet, and it reminds us to keep the Earth free of pollution so it can remain beautiful and healthy. However, this Earth Day will offer another form of natural beauty: The Lyrid meteor shower!

According to Accuweather, the skies will light up with as many as 20 meteors streaking across the sky every hour! The Lyrids should the most visible after midnight on Saturday, April 21st, into the early morning hours of Sunday, April 22nd. Viewing the Lyrids should not require the use of binoculars or telescopes. The best view of the meteors will include the northeastern portion of the United States, so stargazers across the Central New York area should be in luck!

Furthermore, the weather is suppose to cooperate too. So, bundle up, find a nice spot, pull up a comfortable chair and enjoy the show! 

For more information on the Lyrid meteor shower, click here.

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